Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Uncle Sam American School - Art Class - Ushering In a New Generation of Creative Minds

Shh! Creative minds at work.

Even Michaelangelo had to start somewhere!

Teaching at Uncle Sam is about more than just teaching English. We teach everything from Science to Phys. Ed.; we even teach personal hygiene. On Wednesday afternoon, I taught art to a group of K1 students.

For last week's lesson, half of it was already finished by another foreign teacher. For the first part of the lesson, they each had to color their own elephant. For my class (part two), they now had to take small pieces of colored paper and glue them on top of the picture.

This lesson worked very well for the tiny students, most of whom are only about three years old. Despite their limited fine motor skills, they all seemed to manage very well in getting most of the small papers on the picture and not so many on the floor.

One thing that amazes me is the care and concentration some students give to their work. As if every tiny paper has a very specific place that it needs to go. Also I find it interesting that there seems to be a wide discrepancy regarding how much glue is needed. Some students use the glue very sparingly, while others saturate the whole picture with glue before they even pick up their first piece of paper.

This week's project is an origami. I think I'll need to assist them with that one, but it should be fun.