Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Student-Made Travel Brochures

Often when you hear about Uncle Sam American School, you hear about our highly reputable kindergarten program. However it's important to remember that we also have a great program for elementary-level (called G-class) students as well, for kids up to age 13.

Our senior class here at the school in Sanxia is the G6 Lemur class. Although they are not my regular class, I (Teacher Jonathan) have taught them several times and really enjoy it. Their English is at a high level, so it's easy to have a conversation with them. They enjoy hearing about my life experiences here in Taiwan and they even laugh at my jokes! (OK not every time, but sometimes)

Recently their homeroom teacher, Teacher David, passed on to me a couple of samples from a recent classroom project of theirs. They had to create a travel brochure for visitors to their country. The brochures are beautiful, and make me want to discover Taiwan all over again. Great job, Lemurs!