Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Uncle Sam American School - Teacher Adam and Teacher Sam

As mentioned previously on this blog, we have added two new foreign teachers to our growing Uncle Sam family.  They are both American, and both of them have prior teaching experience in Japan.  Teacher Adam teachers our K4 Raccoons class, a class that has been around since T level.  Teacher Sam teaches our K4 Dolphins class, a class that has significantly newer students.  Speaking to them, they both describe working at Uncle Sam American School as “fun”.  Teacher Sam went on to describe Taiwan as a “Wild West of Asia”.  While I (Teacher Jonathan) didn’t ask him to elaborate on that, I can say from my personal experience that life in Taiwan, while challenging at times, can also be fun and eventful.  I sincerely hope they both have a happy and prosperous time here in Taiwan.  It seems they’re already off to a great start!

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