Thursday, December 15, 2011

Birthday Party

Yesterday was our December birthday party. We have one birthday party every month, for all the students who have birthdays that month. It takes place in our “MM” (Music & Movement) room, which is basically an auditorium with a stage. I was once asked why it’s not called the M&M room (answer: I have no idea).

The birthday party is quite a sight to behold: the entire auditorium is packed with all these hyper young kids decked out in gear that fits with the theme of the party. This year our theme was Christmas, so many kids had Santa hats or reindeer antlers on their heads.

Each month a different foreign teacher is the ‘emcee’ of the party. The emcee is tasked with trying to engage and interact with all these kids, which admittedly isn’t always an easy task. But at the same time, when you shout things out and get an enthusiastic reaction, it really makes you feel like a superstar! This month the emcee was Teacher Lewis, who did a commendable job of entertaining the students.

Every month there are awards given out for students with Good English, Good Manners, and there’s also a “Superclass” for each month. Once the awards are given out, we have an activity for the kids, and this month the event was our “Christmas Song Competition”. I’ll talk about that in a future blog, as I’m hoping to get some video footage up for you to see.

Suffice to say, the monthly birthday party is a big event that’s a lot of fun for the kids, and it’s a good chance for the entire K division to come together!

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