Monday, December 12, 2011

K Teacher's Staff Outing

Saturday was a ‘staff outing’ for the kindergarten Chinese teachers. As foreign teachers, we are invited to the staff outings for all the different departments, so a bunch of us went as well.

The first part of the outing was to the “Taipei Story House”, which is basically like a doll museum. The Chinese teachers seemed to really enjoy it, but to be honest for us foreign teachers it was only interesting for so long. Fortunately they had a restaurant there so after checking out the dolls, we went to the restaurant.

The second part of the outing was bowling, which really fun! Although I must confess that as much as I enjoy bowling, I’m actually not very good at it. Thankfully there were others there who were just as poorly-skilled as I was, so I didn’t come in last place every time.

There was talk of going to the Shilin night market after bowling, but I was unable to join this part because I had plans to meet my friend to watch a movie and eat dinner. But it was a fun staff outing, and I look forward to our year-end party next month, when we’ll be playing laser tag!

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