Tuesday, December 13, 2011

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

Actually, not really to be honest. Christmas is not nearly as big an event in Taiwan as it is in most western countries. Nevertheless, it’s possible to see signs of Christmas in some of the stores – some lights here, some decorations there. But you don’t see the “Christmas rush”.

Of course you don’t see any snow here in Taiwan either. It rains a lot during the winter, but that’s OK with me. I’ll take rain over snow any day!

Here at Uncle Sam American School, Christmas is a big event for the students. Many classrooms and other areas of the school are decked out with Christmas trees and other decorations, and tomorrow we will have our monthly birthday party event, this time with a Christmas theme.

We also have a Christmas event coming up this Saturday. It’s a rare occasion that I have to work on a Saturday at the school. In fact I believe this will be the third Saturday I’ve worked for all of 2011! It should be a fun event, too. Each class will put on a show for the parents, then afterwards they can play games and/or decorate gingerbread men. My class (the K1 Lions) and I have been preparing a pretty entertaining show, so I’m looking forward to seeing the parents’ reactions.

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